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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Victims of Indian State Terrorism

  • Where are our dear ones who disappeared in Indian troops and police custody?
  • Why Kashmiri people are detained under draconian laws with out any rhyme and reasons?
  • Why Kashmiris' property, residential houses and business centers are destroyed with heavy mortar shelling during siege and search operations?
  • Why International HR bodies keep mum on and behave like silent spectators over gross violations of human rights being perpetrated by Indian troops in Kashmir?

Demilitarization imperative to end HR violations in Kashmir

Shah visits Kulgam to sympathize bereaved families

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Shabir Shah urges India to settle Kashmir dispute

Srinagar, December 05: The DFP president and senior leader of the All Parties Hurriyet Conference, Shabir Ahmed Shah has urged Indian leadership to accept ground realities and resolve the long outstanding issue of Kashmir peacefully in accordance with the wishes and will of people of Jammu and Kashmir.
Talking to a delegation of Indian parliamentarians and civil society members at his residence here on Sunday, Shah maintained that Jammu and Kashmir was an internationally recognized disputed and New Delhi should settle it in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

Referring to the contentious history of the subcontinent he said, “India and Pakistan have fought three wars over Kashmir and its resolution is in the best interest of the people of the entire South Asia".
The Indian delegation comprised Ram Vilas Paswan, Shahid Siddiqui, Seema Mustafa, Mahesh Bhatt, Professor Kamal Chenoy, Shoaib Iqbal, Gopal Choudary, D Raja, Namo Nageshwar Rao, Danish Ali and Maheshwar Hazari.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Shah arrested at Singh-pora

Shah, who was heading to Sopore was accompanied by Nayeem Ahmed Khan  was prevented by the police near Singh-Pora Pattan and later locked him up along with dozens of party workers. Following the incident hundreds of people gathered from the nearby areas and logged a strong protest against the puppet authorities. The protesters raised anti-India and pro-freedom slogans demanding India to withdraw its forces from Kashmir.
According to reports police and CRPF personnel resorted to indiscriminate firing and teargas shelling to disperse the peaceful protesters.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

DFP deplores assault on Mirwaiz

Srinagar, Nov 25: The DFP chairman Shabir Ahmed Shah has condemned in storing terms the attack on Huriyet leaders Mirwaiz Umer Farooq & Bilal Gani Lone at a Seminar in Chandigarh  and said that such acts would not deter Kashmiri leadership's political will.

In a statement issued here today, the DFP chief observed that Indian agencies were hell bent on damaging Kashmiris peaceful and indegeinious struggle for right to self determination. He said that the attack was a violation of democratic rights adding that it has exposed the face of India’s so-called pluralistic society. "Despite India's subjugation our sacred freedom struggle and peoples resolve would become more stronger day by day", he added.
Meanwhile, the DFP vice president and convener of APHC-M Pak chapter Mehmood Ahmed Saghar on Thursday condemned in strong terms the attack on Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and termed it as an act against the democratic norm of freedom of expression.

He said that assault on Hurriyat leaders was a deep-rooted conspiracy being hatched by the secret agencies. He pointed out that there were hidden forces who have been smartly stage-managing such attacks in order to disrupt communal-harmony in Kashmir.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Shah expresses solidarity with bereaved families

SHABIR SHAH condoles the family whose 8-year old son was callously killed by Indian troops
SHABIR SHAH at Chanapora Sgr paying tributes to the Martyers of present uprising & condolence to their guardians.
Nov 15 2010:SHABIR SHAH visited Palahalan Pattan today & paid tributes to the martyers who laid down their lives during the present 5 months long uprising. shah also paid deep condolence to their respected parents
Shah visits Batamaloo
Nov 15 2010: DFP Chief SHABIR SHAH visits Palahalan Pattan to express solidarity with the bereaved family of Kashmiri youth who were gunned down by Indian troops  during the current 5-month long unprecedented uprising.

Hurriyat activists stage protest in PaK

Convener APHC-M Pak chapter Mehmood Ahmed Saghar addressing a protest rally in Islamabad (27-Oct-10)
Islamabad, Oct 27: Activists of both Hurriyat factions staged a protest in front of the office of United Nations Military Observers Group (UNMOG) on Wednesday to seek UN’s pro-active role to settle the long-simmering Kashmir dispute peacefully in accordance with aspirations of Kashmiris.
Holding banners and placards, protesters raised pro-freedom slogans. Addressing protesters, speakers termed Indian control over Jammu and Kashmir as “illegal, unjustified and against the international norms of justice.”
They said that it was ironic that the country that proclaims and projects itself as the world’s largest democracy had “usurped the fundamental rights of the millions of Kashmiris.”
Highlighting the dangerous dimensions of what they called the “Indian military aggression” they said that it (aggression) has jeopardized peace in the region. 
They maintained that Right to self-determination was inalienable right of Kashmiris. “India holding on to Kashmir is in utter defiance of its pledges regarding the withdrawal of troops and holding a free and fair plebiscite under the UN auspices”, they said.
Referring to the human rights violations in the Valley they said that it was unfortunate that Kashmiris were being taken hostage in their own land. 
Stressing the need for early resolution of the dispute they urged the world community to intervene. They also called an end to HR violations in Kashmir.
They also urged the US president to take up the Kashmir issue with Indian leadership during his forthcoming visit to New Delhi.
Later a memorandum addressing the UN secretary General Ban Ki Moon was presented to the UNMOG officials seeking highest body’s role to settle Kashmir dispute.
Those who spoke on the occasion included, Mehmood Ahmed Saghar, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, Syed Yousuf Naseem, Shah Ghulam Qadir, Saleem Haroon, HR activist M Afsar Khan, Ab. Majeed Mir, Ghulam Hassan Malik, Tufail Altaf, Altaf Wani, Ishtiaq Hameed, advocate Parvez Ahmed and several others.
Meanwhile, Pakistan Peoples Party (PaK) held a protest rally in front of Islamabad press club this afternoon. They noted regrettably that 63 years have passed but the highest body (UN) failed to discharge its moral and legal obligations vis-à-vis the resolution of Kashmir dispute.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

K-solution guarantee to peace in SA

DFP Chief Shabir Shah visited Budgam to pay tributes to the martyers who laid down their lives during last 5 months freedom struggle & paid the condolences to their respected parents.Shah also addressed huge public gathering at Humhama Chowk Srinagar
Srinagar, Nov 11: The Democratic Freedom Party Chief Shabir Ahmed Shah has said that a just and equitable solution of Kashmir dispute was must for greater peace and stability in the South Asian region.
Shah made these assertions while addressing a special gathering of party workers here on Thursday.
Besides the top leadership of the party the meeting was attended by Zonal presidents from all the three provinces. Speaking on the occasion, the DFP chief said that it was due to the unprecedented sacrifices of the people of Jammu and Kashmir that the US president while visiting New Delhi had admitted this fact that Kashmir was a long-outstanding dispute, which has to be resolved peacefully by India and Pakistan.
He said that even the US president has offered his services in this regard. Expressing optimism over the US president’s statement he hoped that India government would create a conducive atmosphere to seek solution of the long-simmering dispute amicably. For that purpose he said that India should stop killings in Kashmir, repeal black laws prevalent in the state, ensure freedom of expression, release political detainees and accept the ground reality that Kashmir was and is the disputed territory.
He also reiterated his resolve serve the masses besides upholding the mission of bringing the leadership under one umbrella to take the movement to its logical end.
At the end of the extra-ordinary session, over a half dozen resolutions were unanimously adopted urging the international community play its key role to help resolve the long-pending dispute of Kashmir peacefully in accordance with Kashmiris’ aspirations.
The session resolved that the UN relevant resolutions on Kashmir provide a comprehensive road map to settle the dispute peacefully. They however termed tripartite talks as the potential means to hammer out a solution of the issue.
The resolution also urged India to release all political detainees including Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, Mian Abdul Qayyum, Asia Indrabi, Massarat Alam Bhat and several others.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Obama urged to resolve Kashmir dispute

Convener APHC-M Pak chapter Mehmood Ahmed Saghar, along with AJK president Raja Zulqarnain Khan, JKLF supreme head Amanullah Khan and Sardar Ibraheem (Nov -06-2010)

Eulogizing tributes paid to martyrs of Jammu
Nisar Ahmed Thokar
Islamabad, Nov 06: While urging the US president Baraak Obama to fulfill his promise with regard to the settlement of the pressing Kashmir issue, the delegates at a seminar hosted by APHC here on Saturday maintained that a just and equitable solution of the festering dispute was must to ensure durable peace in South Asian region.

Held in connection with “Youmi Shuhada-e-Jammu”, the seminar was attended by PaK president Raja Zulqarnain Khan, Sardar Khalid Ibraheem Khan, Mehmood Ahmed Saghar the Convener of APHC, Syed Yousuf Naseem, Rafique Ahmed Dar JKLF and several others, whereas the conference was specially attended by the ageing Kashmiri leader and the supreme head of JKLF, Ammanullah Khan.

Speaking on the occasion, the participants paid eulogizing tributes to the martyrs of Jammu. Terming 6th November as one of the bleak chapters of Kashmir history, they pointed out that the history of the troubled region was awash with heart-wrenching tales of repression and suppression. They said that the massacre of thousands of Muslims was orchestrated by Dogra Maharaja’s troops and belligerent Hindu extremists.

Referring to Kashmiris century’s old cultural tradition of peaceful co-existence they said that history was witness to the fact that when innocent Muslims were butchered like animals in Jammu, Kashmir valley supposed to be a safe heaven for the minority communities no matter whosoever.

They said that Kashmiris struggle was a just political and peaceful struggle. In pursuance of the internationally pledged right they said that the people of Jammu and Kashmir have rendered matchless sacrifices to achieve the legitimate right that had been guaranteed to them by the world community and the leadership of India and Pakistan.

The however, maintained that it was very unfortunate that after 63 years Kashmir solution could not materialized. Terming India’s intransigence as a major hurdle in the way of peace, the speakers, regrettably noted the world community’s pathetic attitude towards the resolution of Kashmir issue and said that policy of indifference by the international community has disappointed people of the region.

Appreciating the ongoing peaceful political movement in Kashmir, the speakers said, “Kashmiris’ recourse to a non-violent and peaceful political struggle has to be acknowledged by the world community”. It was high time that the world particularly the united states of America should take effective notice of what they said as the worst human rights situation in Kashmir.

The participants of the seminar adopted more than half a dozen resolutions demanding the US president Baraak Obama to impress upon India to help resolve Kashmir dispute peacefully in accordance with the wishes of Kashmiri people.

The resolution also urged India to repeal black laws prevalent in the state and denounces attack on senior Hurriyat leader Shabir Ahmed Shah by the RSS activists. Paying respects to Jammu martyr’s the participants reiterated their pledge to uphold the mission of the martyrs.

Of those who spoke on the occasion included, Raja Zulqarnain Khan, the president of PaK, APHC convener Mehmood Ahmed Saghar, Ammanullah Khan, Sardar Khalid Ibraheem, Syed Yousuf Naseem, Saleem Bhkhari, Dawood Khan Manzoor-ul-Haq Bhat, Altaf Wani, Syed Muzaffar Shah, Advocate Nabeela Ershad, Abdul Majeed Malik, JKLF leader Rafique Ahmed Dar and several others.

Latter talking to Greater Kashmir, the PaK president Raja Zulqarnain Khan said that the US president must not turn a blind eye towards this alarming issue as durable peace in the SA was inescapably linked to a just and amiable solution of the long-pending dispute of Kashmir.

He said that owing to the unresolved dispute people of the region have been suffering terribly and persistently since 1947. He said that being a signatory to the UN’s historic resolutions on Kashmir the America should play its pivotal role to seek a settlement of the issue to ensure peace and stability. “This is a major issue and it could not be just ignored”, he said adding that the dialogue process was going on between India and Pakistan for last several years but that proved to be a hoax slogan and nothing came out of the years’ long peace process.

He said that India and Pakistan were the nuclear deterrent states and keeping this aspect in view the resolution of Kashmir conflict becomes even more crucial.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Shah vows to unite Hurriyat

Fresh sacrifices brought Kashmir back into focus
Srinagar, Nov 5: The chairman of Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) Shabir Ahmed Shah on Friday said that present unrest and sacrifices of 111 youth had brought Kashmir back into focus at the International level. He vowed to continue his efforts to unite separatists. 
“The sacrifices rendered by our people have again brought Kashmir issue into focus,” Shah told reporters here after he arrived from Jammu. 
Shah reiterated that he would try his level best to forge unity among the pro-freedom groups. “I will continue with the efforts but the unification shouldn’t be for the sake of it,” he said.
Shah said that pro-freedom leaders have never opposed dialogue process. “We want talks to be result oriented,” he said. “For any dialogue to be successful, New Delhi needs to create conducive atmosphere and accept Jammu and Kashmir as international dispute, revoke draconian laws and punish perpetrators of human rights including those involved in Machil fake encounter.”
He said that India and Pakistan have already entered into many agreements on Kashmir including Tashkent, Shimla agreements, Lahore Declarations. “All these agreements were done taking in account that Kashmir is an international dispute and present leadership in India shouldn’t shy from this reality,” he said. (Couurtesy GK)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Demilitarize both Kashmirs: Shabir Shah

Jammu: Hindu fanatics attack DFP president Shabir Shah during press conference ( 04-Nov-10)
Jammu, Nov 4: The Chairman of Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) and senior Hurriyat Conference (M) leader Shabir Ahmed Shah on Thursday demanded that both India and Pakistan should withdraw their forces from Jammu and Kashmir and Pakistan administered Kashmir, including Gilgit and Baltistan.
“Both Kashmirs should be demilitarized. After all the areas are demilitarized Kashmiris on both the sides should be given Right to Self Determination so that they are able to decide their future,” Shah told a news conference here.
On Barack Obama’s visit
Shah sought intervention of the United States President Barack Obama to facilitate smooth trilateral talks between India, Pakistan and the prime party to the dispute-- Kashmiris for the final resolution of the Kashmir issue.
Reminding Obama of his promise, the senior Hurriyat (M) leader said, “During his election campaign he (Obama) had promised to resolve the vexed Kashmir issue if he came into power.”
“If the US intervention is not possible, the US president should at least facilitate talks between the two countries and the Kashmiri leadership,” he demanded.
He said Obama had maintained that the US would possibly appoint an envoy on Kashmir like Holbrooke was appointed as envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan.
He demanded that US should appoint an envoy in India-Pakistan for the solution of Kashmir dispute.
Demands ceasefire
Asking Indian government to declare ceasefire, Shabir Shah said, “Talks and war cannot go side-by-side. New Delhi should declare ceasefire in the Valley to facilitate talks,” he added.
“If New Delhi is serious to resolve the issues, it should acknowledge Kashmir as an international dispute and release all the separatists, political prisoners and youth lodged in different jails,” he said.
Rules out trifurcation
While advocating the united Jammu and Kashmir, Shah accused politicians of trying to create a wedge among the people of different regions for their political gains.
He appealed the intelligentsia of Jammu region to understand those “who have made politics their business and profession” and are indulging in creating differences among the people of the three regions.
The Hurriyat will not leave the people of Jammu region alone including Kathua, Samba, Jammu, Poonch, Rajouri, Doda, Kishtwar, and Ramban, he said adding that the Jammu and Kashmir will remain united.
“I want to pay tributes to those 5-6 lakh people who were massacred in 1947 violence and assured people of the state that their blood will not go waste. We will take the people of Jammu with us,” he added.
On interlocutors
Reacting to the recent visit of interlocutors to Jammu and Kashmir, Shabir Shah said that talks would be ineffective unless congenial atmosphere is created.“The talks with the interlocutors appointed by the central government will not be fruitful unless the ground is prepared by acknowledging Kashmir as a dispute and releasing the prisoners,” he said.
Jammu, Nov 4: A day after authorities released the senior Hurriyat (M) leader Shabir Ahmed Shah from Kotbalwal jail, activists of Bhartiya Janta Party Youva Morcha (BJPYM) )and Bajrang Dal tried to assault him and disrupted his news conference here on Thursday.
“Activists of both the parties barged into a local hotel this afternoon and tried to assault him, but his supporters formed a human chain around him and did not allow the activists to succeed in their designs,” witnesses said.
However, they (activists) ransacked the furniture and threw around the mikes of the TV channels. Police later appeared on the spot and arrested the five attackers.
Later, Shabir Shah termed the attack on him as an attempt on his life. However, he did not cancel his press conference.
“The attack was planned by those who do not want peace in the Jammu and Kashmir state,” he told reporters. “Government knew that I am going to hold a press conference here. When they (government) came to know that they (BJP activists) have failed in their attempt only then police appeared on the scene,” Shah alleged.

Srinagar, Nov 4: Various separatist organizations, including United Jihad Council, have condemned the assault on Hurriyat Conference (M) senior leader and Democratic Freedom Party chairman Shabir Ahmad Shah during a press conference in Jammu,
The chairman of United Jehad Council, Syed Salah-ud-Din, while condemning the attack, termed it as frustration on the part of jingoists who, according to him, were working at the behest of secret agencies.
Lauding Shah’s political resolve, Salahuddin said Shah had spent most part of his life in jail and interrogation centres without feeling any disappointment. “It is because of his long detentions and sacrifices that he has been declared as Prisoner of Conscience by the Amnesty International,” he said in a statement.
Meanwhile, in a separate statement deputy chairman of the United Jihad Council Muhammad Usman and UJC general secretary Sheikh Jameel-ur-Rehman also deplored the assault on Shabir Ahmed Shah and described it as frustration.
Denouncing the assault, the Hurriyat Conference (M) convenor, Pakistan administered Kashmir, Mehmood Ahmad Saghar said such vile tactics by the extremists would not deter Hurriyat stalwarts from pursuing their struggle for legitimate political and democratic rights.
He pointed out that RSS and BJP have a notorious track record and prior to DFP chief many Hurriyat leaders including late Khawaja Abdul Ghani Lone, Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Muhammad Yasin Malik were manhandled by the BJP activists.
Jammu Kashmir Salvation Movement, while condemning the assault, termed it an act of sheer cowardice by the Hindu fanatics.
The senior member of the Kashmir Bar Association (KBA) Nazir Ahmed Ronga described attack on Shah as mere frustration.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Shabir Shah attacked by RSS activists in Jammu

November 04, 2010
JAMMU: Senior APHC leader and Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (DFP), Shabir Ahmad Shah was, today, attacked by members of Indian Hindu party BJP's youth wing at a press conference in Jammu during which the activists also ransacked furniture after gate crashing into the venue.

A group of 10-12 Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) members barged into the room, where the senior APHC leader, Shabir Ahmad Shah was holding a press conference after release from 10 months detention from Kotbhalwal Jail, Jammu. 

They ransacked the furniture and microphones and manhandled Shah, police officer told media men.

Shabbir Shah, who termed the incident as unfortunate, continued with the press conference.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Freedom Party condemned in strong terms the manhandling of senior Hurriyat leader Shabir Ahmed Shah by the RSS activists in Jammu and termed it as an act of cowardice.

Denouncing the hooliganism the spokesman of the DFP said that such tactics would not deter Hurriyat stalwarts from pursuing their struggle for legitimate political and democratic rights.

Shabir Shah released

Jammu, Nov 3: The state government on Wednesday released the senior Hurriyat Conference (M) leader and chairman of Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) Shabir Ahmed Shah from Kotbalwal jail here.

The Hurriyat leader had refused to come out of the jail after the government ordered his release on parole with certain conditions last month. “This time he has been released unconditionally,” sources said,
Shah was detained under Public Safety Act (PSA) in 2008 during Amarnath land row and since then he continued to be under detention.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kashmir interlocutors visit Shah’s residence

Srinagar Oct 23:: The newly appointed team of Kashmir interlocutors has voiced serious concern over the deteriorating health condition of the incarcerated Hurriyat leader Shabir Ahmed Shah who was illegally detained by Indian authorities under the infamous Public Safety Act (PSA). 

The interlocutors who visited the Shah’s residence at Rawalpora Srinagar on Monday also met his ailing mother and inquired about her health. Besides the family members, M Abdullah Tari the acting president of DFP and other party leaders were present on the occasion.

During the interaction, the three member delegation comprised Dilip Padgaonker,Madam Radha Kumar & M M Ansari showed great concern about continuous detention and the falling health of the incarcerated leader. Speaking on the occasion Tari briefed the delegates about the prevailing political situation and stressed the need for resolving the dispute in line with Kashmiris aspirations. He said that Kashmir was a political dispute that needs to be addressed peacefully through a time-bound, meaningful and result-oriented dialogue. He however maintained that  Kashmiris were the principle party to the dispute.

Later, Padgaonkar told media persons that the team had gone to inquire about the ailing mother of Shah.
Shah’s wife Dr Bilquees told Greater Kashmir that she explained to the team that Shah had been detained under PSA for eight times in past two years.
“Government was inhumanly treating Shah Sahab and the Chief Minister had no powers to take any decision independent of New Delhi,” Bilquees said in response to a question by interlocutors whether state government was not looking seriously into the case.
“He (Shah) has been pioneer of dialogue and communal harmony, and has spent more than 25 years in jail. Why should we accept New Delhi’s decision that Shah should be released only keeping in view that his mother is ill? What crime has he committed? I told them that despite quashing of detention order under PSA by the High Court, he was never released,” Dr Bilquees said.
Rejecting the release of Shah on parole, Dr Bilquees said she told Padgaonkar that Shah was not a criminal so that he would have to report to district magistrate in case he moves out of Srinagar. “There can be nothing more humiliating than this,” she said.
She said Padgaonkar assured her that he would take up the matter with state and central government.

Meanwhile, in a condolence meeting at the party office in Srinagar, the DFP expressed deep sorrow and grief over the demise of the mother of Mir Asrar Hussain of Ghantamullah Baramullah. (with inputs from GK)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Shah rejects parole

Srinagar, Oct 23: Senior pro-freedom leader and chairman of Democratic Freedom Party, Shabir Ahmad Shah, who is undergoing detention under the Public Safety Act, Saturday rejected the Government’s offer to release him on parole.
Shah rejected the Government’s offer and said, “I have faced imprisonment for past nearly 25 years for the just cause and aspirations of Kashmiris. To suppress my resolve, the authorities also martyred my father. At this juncture if I won’t be able to meet my ailing mother for the last time, I will not have regrets. I want to maintain that even if I have to offer sacrifices of my two daughters for the freedom movement of Kashmir, I will never hesitate".

“I am indebted to Kashmiris for reposing faith and lending support to me. I urge the people to pray for speedy recovery of my mother,” Shah said.
In recent times Shah has been booked under PSA for seven times for “fomenting trouble in the Valley and acting at the behest of Inter Services Intelligence agency for advocating the secessionist ideology.”

It may be recalled here that the puppet authorities had issued orders regarding the temporary release of Shabir Ahmad Shah for a period of 30 days with immediate effect. However, the order has set many terms and conditions for his release including that he will not leave the territorial limit of district Srinagar without permission from the district magistrate.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Shah’s role can’t be just ignored: Khaita Singh

Srinagar, Oct 17: While appreciating the political resolve of Shabir Ahmed Shah, the president of International Democratic Party, Master Khaita Singh has said that Shah political role could not be ignored under the prevailing political situation.

Khaita Sing who was heading a seven-member delegation said this while talking to DFP vice president M Abdullah Tari on Sunday. Terming Shah as a great human asset and a dynamic politician leader Singh said that there was a need to bring Shah’s political philosophy into limelight within India. “The bloodshed of innocent people won’t stop unless the prevailing situation is presented in its real perspective”, he said adding that 

The visiting delegates expressed concern over the continuous detention of senior Hurriyat leader Shabir Ahmed Shah and termed his incarceration as unjustified and unfounded.

The DFP vice president while expressing his gratitude to the visiting delegates said that the party would remain firmly stick to the political philosophy of the incarcerated leader.

Unity paramount to achieve the goal: Shah

17 Octber 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Give Kashmiris’ their right, Shah tells APD

Srinagar Sep 23: Members of the all-party delegation visiting Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday met the incarcerated senior Hurriyat leader Shabir Ahmad Shah at Government Medical College Jammu.

A three-member group led by DMK MP T.R. Baalu went to the Col. Chopra nursing home of the Government Medical College Hospital here where Shah is undergoing treatment.

Shabir Shah, Chairman of the Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party has been under illegal detention in Kot Bhalwal jail for over a year now under the infamous Public Safety Act.

While briefing the APD, delegation Shah made it clear that Kashmiris have been fighting for their inalienable right to self-determination adding that political concessions or economic packages can not solve the issue unless people of the troubled region were given their right to determination their political future.

He said that Kashmir was an internationally recognized disputed territory and the people have every right to fight for their inherited and pledged right guaranteed to them by the world community and the leadership of India and Pakistan as well. He maintained that Kashmiris have given unprecedented sacrifices to achieve the cherished goal and would never compromise on it. He said, “Indian leaders should honour the commitments made by their ancestors with the people of Kashmir”. “Kashmiris are not demanding anything illegal; ours’ demand is legitimate and just demand”, he added.

During one-hour-long discussion held at room number 204 of Chopra Nursing Home Jammu, the DFP chief also apprised the visiting Indian delegates of the simmering situation in Kashmir and said that if India was really sincere in resolving the dispute peacefully then it should bring an end to HR violations, repeal black laws and withdraw its troops from Jammu and Kashmir in order to pave a way for final settlement of Kashmir issue. 

Referring to the current uprising and the Indian brutalities Shah said that Indian troops have ruthlessly killed over 100 people and wounded more than 900 during the current mass uprising in various parts of Jammu and Kashmir.

He said that it was high time that India should accept the ground reality and adopt a realistic approach to settle the dispute once and for all. 

Friday, August 27, 2010

Shah for Eid prayer at one place in Srinagar

Srinagar, Aug 27: The Hurriyat (M) incarcerated leader and Democratic Freedom Party president, Shabir Ahmad Shah has urged the people of Kashmir to offer Friday prayers on Jumat-ul-Wida and Eid prayer at one place in Srinagar.

Shah, also appealed to Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Muhammad Yaseen Malik and other leaders to take steps for offering congregational Nimaz on Jamiat-ul-Wida and Eid Nimaz at one place in Srinagar where resolutions could be adopted by the people, demanding resolution of Kashmir issue through implementation of UN Resolutions. Shah, who is serving detention in Kote Bilwal Jail, Jammu, was on Friday taken to medical college, Jammu, for treatment. 
Shah made a passionate appeal to the people of Kashmir to maintain communal harmony and brotherhood. He said the ongoing struggle for freedom was passing through its decisive phase.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

DFP concerned over HR violations in Kashmir

Srinagar, August 3: Expressing serious concern over the deteriorating human rights situation in Kahmir, the acting president of Democratic Freedom Party, M Abdullah Tari has said that India was trying to suppress Kashmiriris’ mass movement by using its military might.

Citing the recent killings of innocent civilians by Indian troops across the valley Tari said that India has declared a war against people of Kashmir. Terming it as worst kind of state-terrorism he said that India has imposed undue restrictions on print and electronic media to conceal the heinous crime that it has inflicted upon the people of Kashmir.

Referring to Indian home minister P Chidambaram's statement he said that the so-called secret diplomacy was no solution to Kashmir issue. He said that Kashmir was an issue of right to self-determination that was guaranteed to them by the world community besides the leadership of India. He said that during his historical speech at Lal Chowk Srinagar the Indian premier Jawahar Lal Nehru had also promised the people of Kashmir that they would be given the right to choose their political destiny. He regrettably noted that 63-years down the lane India did not fulfill this promise.

He said that the basic purpose of Kashmiris’ ongoing struggle was to pressurize India to honour the commitments that it made with the people of Kashmir. To achieve this pledged right, the right to self-determination Tari pointed out that the DFP chief Shabir Ahmed Shah had to spent half of his life in Indian jails.

Expressing solidarity with the people whose near and dear ones were killed during recent wave of violence in Kashmir, the DFP secretary general said that the Kashmiris’ struggle was an indigenous mass movement and no one would be allowed to play with the sentiments of the people of Kashmir who have rendered matchless sacrifices during the past 21 years long resistance movement.

He maintained that secret-talks would not bring any change on ground saying that India should come forward with a positive mindset to get the dispute resolved peacefully. Instead of current-traditional rhetoric, he said that India should change its policy on Kashmir by taking into account the ground reality. 

Meanwhile, vice president of DFP Mehmood Ahmed Saghar has condemned in strong terms the use of brute force against innocent civilians by Indian troops. Terming it as violation of human rights he appealed the world HR bodies to take cognizance of Indian high-headedness.

Shah an asset for the peace loving people of the world: Lord Galloway

London, Mar 08: Renowned British parliamentarian and Anti war coalition leader MP. George Galloway while expressing serious concern over the deteriorating human rights situation in Occupied Kashmir has shown complete solidarity with DFP chief Shabir Ahmed Shah saying that the incarcerated Hurriyat leader was an asset for peace loving people of the world.
The British parliamentarian made these remarks while talking to media men here on Tuesday. "Had Mr. Shah been born in the west he would have received Nobel Peace prize", he added.
A demonstration organized by Democratic Freedom Party UK Zone, Justice Foundation and the All Parties Kashmir Co-ordination Committee was also held in front of Marlborough House on Pall Mall in London today where members of the Commonwealth gathered to celebrate Commonwealth Day in the presence of Her Excellency Queen Elizabeth II.
On the occasion prominent political figures of the United Kingdom visited the site. Parliamentarian Lord Sheikh and his wife also participated in demonstration and showed concern about the health of Shabbir Ahmad Shah.
Carrying pictures of ailing senior Hurriyat leader Shabbir Ahmad Shah and banners with slogans calling for peace in Kashmir, the demonstrators urged the Commonwealth to play its pivotal role in mitigating the sufferings of Kashmiris. Besides highlighting the human rights situation they urged it to take appropriate measures to ensure safe release of senior Kashmiri leader and President of Democratic Freedom Party Shabbir Ahmad Shah.
Calling for an end to the human rights abuses in Kashmir the UK Kashmiri Diaspora demanded immediate release of political prisoners of Kashmir especially Shabbir Ahmad Shah who is detained illegally in Kathua jail in deteriorating health conditions despite the High Court release orders.
A memorandum was also presented to Queen Elizabeth II, wherein the British Kashmiris asked for empowerment of Kashmiris as the basic party to the dispute in any future dialogue. "The youth of Kashmir are getting more and more frustrated as they do not foresee a result oriented engagement and way forward.", the communiqué said.
Of those who spoke on the occasion included Advocate Ershad Malik, N. A Shawl and others. They said that in any composite dialogue on Kashmir, authentic voice of Kashmir should be integrated. Prospective Parliamentary candidate of Liberal Democrat Party Chaudhary Qurban said that world community should pay attention towards Kashmir dispute now. Renowned British kashmiris will take the issue of Shabbir Shah's deteriorating health with the foreign minister of United Kingdom Mr. David Milliband tomorrow in the House of Lords.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Shah detained under PSA, shifted to Kotbhalwal jail

Srinagar, July 05: The puppet authorities booked senior APHC leader and Chairman of Democratic Freedom Party, Shabbir Ahmad Shah under draconian Public Safety Act (PSA), eighth time in a row and lodged him in Kotbhalwal Jail, Jammu.

The detained leader was shifted from Joint Interrogation Centre, Jammu, to Joint Interrogation Centre, Humhama, on June 30 and on July 2 he was lodged in Central Jail, Srinagar. However, on July 5, Shabbir Shah was shifted to Kotbhalwal jail and detained under PSA.

“The authorities at Srinagr Central Jail informed Shah that he has been booked under Public Safety Act and will be shifted to Kotbhalwal Jail, Jammu”, Dr Bilquees, wife of Shabbir Ahamd Shah, told media men. “Though we had insisted that he be shifted later as he was undergoing certain urine tests at Soura hospital, the authorities did not pay any heed to our pleas and shifted him to Kotbhalwal Jail, Jammu.”

Dr Bilquees said, “The medical tests of Shabbir Shah are still awaited. Even before he could have been bailed out in the fresh false cases lodged at Police Station, Srinagar, the authorities booked him under PSA. They even did not show us the grounds of detention,” she added.

She said that before seeking bail in the fresh FIR, they had asked for a police report, which had not, so far, been provided.

Shah who was in the central jail here on a nine day judicial remand on being brought back from the JIC, Jammu, on June 30, suffered a major deterioration in his health just within two days, and doctors from the SKIMS had advised him complete rest.

As a result of severe infection that had spread throughout his body Shah has become extremely weak physically.
“Flouting court orders, the authorities did not allow him any rest as advised by doctors, but shifted him to Kot Bhalwal jail in the dead of the night even though the judiciary had directed him into its own remand for nine days

Shabbir Shah is being accused of strengthening secessionist ideology in Kashmir and waging a war against Indian union.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Shah supports Eidgah Chalo call

Srinagar July 1: Extending full support to the “Quit Kashmir” movement, the Hurriyat Conference (M) senior leader and Democratic Freedom Party chairman Shabir Ahmad Shah has appealed to the people to participate in large numbers in Eidgah Chalo programme and make it a success.
Shah, while talking to reporters at Saddar Court here after his trial, also supported Hurriyat (G)’s proposal to limit Amarnath Yatra period to 15 days. He however maintained that in accordance with the principles of our religion Kashmiri Muslims have lent their full co-operation to Hindu pilgrimages.
In view of the present phase of the ongoing struggle Shah said that Hurriyat leadership should forge unity at all levels to take the movement to its logical end. "Burying their differences, the leadership must evolve a comprehensive strategy to lead the masses effectively”, he added.  
Reacting to the Indian Home Minister P Chidambaram’s statement, Shah termed it an attempt to associate the ongoing struggle with Lashkar-e-Toiba to justify the ‘civilian killings.’
Voicing serious concern over the spree of killings at the hands of Indian troops, Shah said that the policy of oppression could not deter Kashmiris from pursuing their national objective. About the issue of demilitarization Shah said, “When we talk about demilitarization it does not mean sending troops back to barracks but we want complete withdrawal of Indian troops from Jammu and Kashmir”.
Shah said that by terming AFSA a sacred document Indian Army chief has provided a legal justification to occupation forces to carry out genocide of Kashmiris . “As a result more than a dozen youth were ruthlessly killed by Indian troops across the valley”, he added.
About Quit Kashmir campaign he said that it was the same movement that was put up for sale by Omar Abdullah’s grand father Sheikh Abdullah for his petty interests.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Saghar condemns Abdullah Tari’s arrest


Islamabad, June 25: The convener of APHC-M Pak chapter and vice president of Democratic Freedom Party (DFP), Mehmood Ahmed Saghar has strongly condemned the arrest of party’s Acting Chairman, Muhammad Abdullah Tari and demanded his immediate release along with other Hurriyet leaders and activists.
In a press statement issued here today Saghar said that the arrest of political leaders amply demonstrate Indians tyrannical and dictatorial attitude towards Kashmiris. He said that resorting to pressure tactics India was trying to demoralize the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He said that despite India’s suppressive policies Kashmiris would never compromise on their basic and fundamental right the right to self-determination.

Saghar also voiced concern over the HR situation in Kashmir and urged India to stop what he called the bloodbath of innocent Kashmiris. He also appealed the international community to take notice of stepped up human rights violations in Kashmir and put pressure on India to resolve the long-standing Kashmir dispute in accordance with Kashmiris’ aspirations.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

DFP condemns Abdullah Tari’s arrest

Srinagar, June 23 : The Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) has strongly condemned the arrest of party’s Acting Chairman, Muhammad Abdullah Tari and demanded his immediate release along with other Hurriyet leaders and activists.
The spokesman of Democratic Freedom Party in a statement issued in Srinagar said that the occupation authorities had kept party Chairman, Shabbir Ahmad Shah behind the bar for 26 years but couldn’t succeed to suppress his voice through use of brute force.
He said that the morale of the people of Jammu and Kashmir was very high and they would never compromise on their basic right to self-determinations for which they had been rendering sacrifices for last several decades. He said that the day was not far when the people of the occupied territory would get rid of Indian bondage.
The spokesman also appealed the international community to take notice of Indian state terrorism in occupied Kashmir and put pressure on India to resolve the long-standing Kashmir dispute in accordance with Kashmiris’ aspirations.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Intl community must be sensitized to play role to ensure Shah's release: Dr Chatterji

London, June 19: Delegates at a seminar held at Salt Hill Park, in UK has strongly condemned the unabated human rights violations by Indian troop in Kashmir and demanded immediate release illegally detained senior Hurriyat leader Shabir Ahmed Shah and other political prisoners languishing in various jails in and out side Kashmir. Addressing the seminar organized by Justice Foundation the speakers voiced grave concern over the deteriorating human rights situation and demanded the international community to take cognizance of human rights abuses perpetrated by Indian troops in Jammu and Kashmir.
While answering the queries raised by Ershad Malik in his speech, Angana Chertterji said, “It is the duty of all of us to contact, stimulate and persuade International Institutions and Human rights Organizations to make Mr Shabir Ahmad Shah’s release possible. We should double our efforts in this regard”.
Lord Ahmad while expressing his concerns on the continuous detention of President of Jammu Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party Mr Shabir Ahmad Shah said that India is a shameless country, we can’t believe that so called biggest democracy in the world does not honour the orders of her own courts in Mr Shah’s cases. We should involve student organizations and International lobbies to build pressure on Indian Government to release our Kashmiri Nelson Mandela.
Besides noted philanthropist the seminar was attended by Professor Richard Shepiro of California Institute of Integral Studies, Lord Ahmad Chairman Kashmir Committee in British Parliament, Professor Anshol Director Kashmir Centre London and Ershad Malik London based Kashmiri Solicitor and representatives of Democratic Freedom Party in UK and Europe.
Political and Human right activists, students and representatives of Kashmiri Diaspora from various cities of United Kingdom also participated in this seminar.

  Tari hails release of NF chief
Srinagar, May 27: Expressing satisfaction over the release of National Front Chief, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, the acting president of DFP M Abdullah Tari has said that India’s decision to release the detained Hurriyat leaders shows India’s willingness to associate Hurriyat leadership with the dialogue process as a principle party to the dispute.
Tari hailed the efforts being made to resolve the dispute of Kashmir and hoped that India would take appropriate measures to safeguard the future of millions of people living in South Asia thereby resolving the long simmering dispute of Kashmiris.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Release of political detainees a positive development

Islamabad, May 27:  Hailing the release of National Front Chairman Nayeem Ahmed Khan, the convener of APHC-M Pak chapter Mehmood Ahmed Saghar has expressed the hope that India would release all political detainees including Shabir Ahmed Shah and others to pave a way for tripartite talks between India, Pakistan and Kashmiris.

According to a statement Saghar made these remarks while addressing a party meeting here today. Speaking on the occasion he said that resumption of dialogue process between India and Pakistan was a positive development saying that Kashmiri leadership would lend its full support to talks process intended to find out an equitable and honorable solution of Kashmir dispute.
However, he maintained that it was imperative that the government of India should repeal all black laws and take appropriate steps to demilitarize the state in order to make atmosphere conducive for talks.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Slapping PSA against Shah uncalled for: DFP

Secret agencies behind vilifying campaign
Srinagar 20: Democratic Freedom Party has strongly condemned Indian authorities’ act of slapping PSA against the party chairman Shabir Ahmed Shah and termed it as frustration on the part of puppet authorities.
During an extraordinary session, which was presided over by the Zonal Chief Fayaz Ahmed Sodagar, the party workers maintained that the decision of imposing PSA against senior Hurriyat leader has exposed Indian statecraft who claims to be the so-called largest democracy of the world.
The participants of the meeting also turned down the allegations leveled against the party chairman. Termed the allegations as baseless they maintained that such tactics would not deter Shah from pursuing the national cause as he has been relentlessly and painstakingly serving this noble cause for last several years. “Shah has spent more than half of his life in various detention and interrogation centers but Indian secret agencies could not break his indomitable will and faith”, they said adding that secret agencies were hell bent on defaming the proud son of the soil thereby hurling baseless allegations against him.
Expressing concern over the deteriorating health condition of the incarcerated leader they appreciated Shah’s political resolve and his commitment with Kashmiris’ struggle. They vowed to continue the ongoing struggle for right to self-determination till the logical conclusion.
Referring to Shah’s falling health condition they said that he was suffering from various ailments and has lost 5-6KG weight owing to Diabetes and Kidney problem.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Shah vows to unite separatists

 Fresh sacrifices brought Kashmir back into focus
 Srinagar, Nov 5: The chairman of Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) Shabir Ahmed Shah on Friday said that present unrest and sacrifices of 111 youth had brought Kashmir back into focus at the International level. He vowed to continue his efforts to unite separatists.
“The sacrifices rendered by our people have again brought Kashmir issue into focus,” Shah told reporters here after he arrived from Jammu.
Shah reiterated that he would try his level best to forge unity among the pro-freedom groups. “I will continue with the efforts but the unification shouldn’t be for the sake of it,” he said.
Shah said that pro-freedom leaders have never opposed dialogue process. “We want talks to be result oriented,” he said. “For any dialogue to be successful, New Delhi needs to create conducive atmosphere and accept Jammu and Kashmir as international dispute, revoke draconian laws and punish perpetrators of human rights including those involved in Machil fake encounter.”
He said that India and Pakistan have already entered into many agreements on Kashmir including Tashkent, Shimla agreements, Lahore Declarations. “All these agreements were done taking in account that Kashmir is an international dispute and present leadership in India shouldn’t shy from this reality,” he said. (Couurtesy GK)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Shah in solitary confinement: DFP

Srinagar, May 4: The Hurriyat Conference (M) senior leader and Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) chairman, Shabir Ahmad Shah, has been kept in ‘solitary confinement’ in Kote Balwal  Jail, Jammu. “The jail authorities have kept Shah, who is suffering from various ailments, in a lonely room away from other jail inmates,” the DFP’s acting president Moulana Muhammad Abdullah Tari said in a statement.
He maintained that the government of having no respect for human rights. “Despite doctors advising that Shah sahib should be hospitalized, government has not shown any concern,” Tari said. “The government is turning a blind eye to the fast changing political scenario at international level. It is adopting a very hostile attitude towards its political adversaries. But this hostile attitude will never break Shah’s sahib’s valour and determination,” Tari said.
He appealed to all the Imams of Masjids to offer special prayers for speedy recovery of  Shah and other incarcerated ailing leaders including Nayeem Ahmad Khan, Ghulam Nabi Sumjhi, Dr Muhammad Qasim Faktoo, Masrat Alam Bhat and Firdous Ahmad Shah.
Meanwhile, a DFP spokesman expressed solidarity with family of Basharat Saleem who died in Machil sector in frontier district of Kupwara. He condemned the arrest of Umar Zargar and other youth and police ‘harassment’ to their families.

HC for Shah’s shifting
Puppet authorities defy court order
Srinagar, May 11: High Court Tuesday directed the authorities to consider shifting senior Hurriyat (M) leader and Democratic Freedom Party Chairman Shabir Shah from Kotbalwal jail to a jail nearer to his residence in Srinagar.
Shah, who is presently serving his 7th detention under Public Safety Act at Kotbalwal jail, has challenged his detention in High Court through his counsel Advocate Mian Qayoom by filing a habeas corpus petition HCP No.147/2010. He was booked under fresh PSA by District Magistrate Srinagar, Mehraj Ahmad Kakroo on April 17 and was shifted to Kotbalwal jail, Jammu.
Pleading the transfer application, the counsel for the petitioner submitted before Justice Hasnain Masoodi, “Shabir Shah has been booked under 7th consecutive PSA. Due to his continuous detention, his health has deteriorated and he is now facing blackouts. He had to be hospitalized on April 28 after he fell unconscious in the jail”.
Citing several Apex Court judgments, the counsel pleaded for shifting of Shah from Jammu to Srinagar. “As per Supreme Court guidelines and due to his deteriorating health conditions, he should be kept in a jail which is nearest to his home,” counsel pleaded.
After hearing the arguments of Shah’s counsel, Justice Hasnain Masoodi observed, “With regard to the averments made in the application, the respondents should consider shifting the detainee to a jail nearest to his place of residence in Srinagar”.
The judge also issued notices to respondents in the writ petition challenging the detention of senior Hurriyat (M) leader under PSA.
“Notice is returnable within two weeks. Counter affidavit should be filed within the same timeframe, with an advance copy to the learned counsel,” the order read.
The next hearing of the case will be held after three weeks.
Before booking him under 7th PSA, Shah was kept under the remand of Police station CIK in connection with a 19 year old FIR in which he along with other prominent separatist leaders had been accused of ‘instigating Kashmiri youth to cross LoC for arms training’.
Before his remand to CIK, Shah was released from Kathua Jail after High Court quashed his 6th PSA on April 2. Courtesy RK

 Shah faints in jail, shifted to Batra HospitalSrinagar, April 29:  Senior APHC leader and the President of Jammu Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party, Shabir Ahmad Shah was
shifted to Batra hospital soon after he fell unconscious in his prison barrack at Kot Bhalwal Jail Jammu.
Shah who  is suffering from various ailments was attended by a senior cardiologist, Dr Ashok Bakaya. He was kept on Holter Machine monitoring for 24 hours to see if the blackout was due to a heart attack or something else.
Shah’s wife, Dr Bilquees, who was accompanying her husband to the doctor’s chamber in the hospital, told media that the ailing Hurriyet leader was receiving blackout shocks since he  was kept in Udhampur Jail under a false case.
“Shah has grown weak due to continued incarceration and the authorities of Kotbalwal jail were not paying attention to the deteriorating health of her husband”, she added.
It may be recalled here that Indian authorities invoked PSA against Shah for the seventh time since October 2008. Shah's only crime is that he has been raising voice of the subjugated people of Jammu and Kashmir.
For his political beliefs, he had to spend almost half of his life (more than 25 years) in Indian jails. Owing to his year’s long political struggle for Kashmiris’ right to self-determination, he was declared as Prisoner of Conscience by veteran human rights groups in early 90s.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Kashmiri Diaspora leadership in UK concerned over Shah’s falling health

London, April 29: British Kashmiri leaders and political activists in a meeting held at the Kashmir Centre London have expressed serious concern over the deteriorating health of senior leader of the All Parties Hurriyet Conference (APHC), Shabbir Ahmed Shah in Kot Bhalwal Jail Jammu.

The participants of the meeting appealed the international human rights organisations including International Red Cross to help save the life of senior APHC leader.
They said that despite the court orders, the occupation authorities were not releasing him but had been consistently fabricating charges against him without substance just to keep him
Those who attended the meeting include, Professor Nazir Ahmad Shawl, Irshad Malik, Raja and others

Monday, April 19, 2010

Shah charged with fomenting trouble

Srinagar, Apr 19: Senior Hurriyat leader and chairman Democratic Freedom Party Shabir Ahmed  Shah, booked under Public Safety Act, has been charged with fomenting trouble in Kashmir and advocating secessionist ideology.
“Acting at the behest of ISI agency of Pakistan and other anti-national elements within the state and across the border, in the initial stages of secessionist ideology, you indulged in the propaganda agitations and training of organizations in order to advocate this ideology,” the four-page grounds of detention issued against Shah by the district magistrate here, read. “You continue to do so even today and indulge in anti-national activities,” reads the dossier.
This new strategy is highly prejudicial to the maintenance of the security of the state  besides endangering human life and property,” it added.
“On November 7, 2007, Shah visited families of militants killed in an encounter at Neil Pattan and said that armed struggle will continue for separating the JK from India,” the dossier added.
“Intelligence reports have revealed that on Jan 12, 2010 you have attended a condolence  meeting in Dalgate and said that the army and security forces are indulging in wanton  killing of innocent people and projected the death of the youth (Inayat Khan) as a result of communal hatred, and resorted to various means to arouse the sentiments of common people  against the Union of India,” it said.
In the detention order the District Magistrate said the number of inmates in Central Jail Srinagar on April 15, 2010 was 482 against the capacity of 300. “I am constrained to direct the lodgement of Shah at Kote Bhalwal Jail Jammu,” he said. Courtesy GK

Shah lost 10 kgs in jail’Govt ignoring his worsening health
Srinagar, April 18: Expressing concern over deteriorating health of incarcerated separatist leader and party chairman, Shabir Ahmad Shah, Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) on Sunday said that Shah has lost 10 kgs of weight within three years of illegal detention and and puppet authorities were ignoring his deteriorating health condition.
Addressing a press conference in Srinagar, the DFP acting chairman, Maulana Tari condemned in strong terms the puppet authorities act of slapping PSA against Shah. he said that Shah was shifted from JIC Jammu to JIC Humhama and then shifted to Kotbalwal Jail.
"Despite strict direction from doctors the authorities are not attending to his health problems. He has lost 10 kgs of weight during past three years of detention," Tari maintained. "He is fighting for a noble cause and arrests are part of it, but as per the international covenants it is the duty of state administration  to provide healthcare to a detainee,” he added.
DFP chief was examined by Dr Manzoor Halwai at JIC Humhama who suggested him to restrict movements or travel long distances.
"But he was taken to Kotbalwal Jail in a bus Sunday morning. The authorities are just formally allowing consultation but medical advice is not being implemented," said the DFP acting chairman.
According to medical records provided by DFP, doctors at District Hospital Kathua referred Shah to GMC Jammu for various check ups. "It just stopped at paper work and nothing was done on ground," said Tari.
About the repeated arrests of Shah, he said: "The court judgments are not being respected. It has turned into a joke. We have lost faith in this institution as well."
Answering a question, Tari said: "Involvement of Hurriyat leadership in facilitating repeated arrests of Shah cannot be ruled out." However, he refused to divulge details about it.
"If Shah is being arrested for his peaceful political struggle for freedom then why are other leaders free. Shah's unity efforts are just to ease out the way to resolution of the issue," said DFP acting chairman.
Stating that killing of 70-year-old man at Handwara in a “fake encounter” has again exposed the state of affairs in the state, he said, "This incident is reflective of worst human rights violations of which Shah has also been a victim for decades."
Tari said that DFP consulted other leaders on the deteriorating health of Shah. Chairman Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front Muhammad Yaseen Malik also visited Shah’s residence on Sunday afternoon.

Salah-ud-Din concerned at Shah’s falling healthSrinagar, Apr 17: The chairman of United Jihad Council, Syed Salah-ud-Din, has expressed concern over the falling health of incarcerated pro-freedom leader Shabir Ahmad Shah.
Salah-ud-Din, according to UJC statement issued by its spokesman Syed Sadaqat Hussain from Pakistan administered Kashmir, said Shah was shifted to Kote Bilwal Jail, Jammu, for the fourth time under PSA despite court orders for his release.
“Shah has been deprived of medical and other basic facilities in jail as a result of which he has developed several ailments,” he said, terming his detention as ‘worst kind of human rights violation’.
“Shah’s only crime was that he tried to unite pro-freedom people and both the factions of Hurriyat Conference,” said Salah-ud-Din.
Condemning the detention of Masrat Alam Bhat, Salah-ud-Din said he had been slapped PSA for the eighth time. Courtesy greater kashmir
Tari concerned over leaders’ detention
Srinagar: Democratic Freedom Party acting chairman, Moulana Muhammad Abdullah Tari has expressed concern over the continued detention and falling health of pro-freedom leaders and activists languishing in different jails in and outside Valley.
Tari has demanded immediate release of pro-freedom leaders including Shabir Ahmad Shah, Nayeem Ahmad Khan, Ghulam Nabi Sumji, Masrat Alam, Firdous Ahmad Shah, Rafiq Ahmad Ganai, Dr Qasim and others.

Shabir Shah again booked under PSASrinagar, Apr 17: Senior pro-freedom leader and chairman Democratic Freedom Party, Shabir Ahmad Shah was Saturday booked under a fresh Public Safety Act.
Under fresh PSA order, which was seventh against Shah in past two years, he will be lodged at Kotbalwal Jail, Jammu.
Sources said that the district magistrate Srinagar issued a fresh order slapping PSA on Shah. The order came on the day when documents for his bail application were moved. The court had ordered his release on bail but he was kept under detention.
Condemning fresh PSA orders against Shah, a DFP spokesman said: “His condition is worsening and he needs immediate medical attention but it is ironical that he is being kept under detention with fresh PSAs being slapped on him after every four to five months.”
Shah was released from Kathua jail in the first week of April but was soon re-arrested and lodged at JIC Jammu. He was last week shifted to JIC Humhama. courtesy GK

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Shabir Shah remanded for 1991 case

Accused of instigating youth to cross LoC

Srinagar, April 13: Senior Hurriyat (M) leader and Democratic Freedom party leader Shabir Shah has been remanded to Counter Intelligence Kashmir (CIK) till April 18 in a 19 year old FIR in which Shah along with other prominent separatist leaders have been accused of “instigating Kashmiri youth to cross LoC for arms training”.This has been revealed in the application April 02, 2010 furnished by CIK to the court while seeking his remand in the case. However, Democratic Freedom Party has refuted the allegations leveled by CIK against Shah saying that he was in jail from 1989 to 1994.
The remand application of CIK reads, “Police Station CIK wanted to take action against Shah in the particular case but he used to be behind bars for most of the time in other cases. Shah has been accused that he along with Syed Ali Geelani, Prof Abdul Gani Bhat and late Abdul Gani Lone instigated youth to take arms training across LoC in 1991.”
“On October 3, 1991, CIK received specific information from its sources that Shah in league with the leaders from Jamaat, JKLF and Peoples League conspired to instigate Kashmiri youth against India to secure Kashmir’s secession,” the document issued by CIK Kashmir to Shah reads.
“In this regard, a case FIR 15 of 1991 under Section 153-A, 120-B, read with 13 ULA stands registered in PS CIK Srinagar.”
On the other hand, DFP has refuted allegations leveled by CIK against Shah in the application before the court while seeking his remand. “The allegations leveled by CIK against Shah are baseless as he was under incarceration from 1989 to 1994 in Jodhpur Jail while as FIR stands registered in 1991,” DFP spokesman said.
Shah was recently released from Kathua Jail after High Court quashed his detention orders under PSA. But soon after his release from the jail, Shah was shifted to JIC Jammu by CI, Jammu. Three days back, he was shifted to Srinagar, where he has been remanded to PS CIK in a 1991 case. Courtesy Rising Kashmir News