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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Intl community must be sensitized to play role to ensure Shah's release: Dr Chatterji

London, June 19: Delegates at a seminar held at Salt Hill Park, in UK has strongly condemned the unabated human rights violations by Indian troop in Kashmir and demanded immediate release illegally detained senior Hurriyat leader Shabir Ahmed Shah and other political prisoners languishing in various jails in and out side Kashmir. Addressing the seminar organized by Justice Foundation the speakers voiced grave concern over the deteriorating human rights situation and demanded the international community to take cognizance of human rights abuses perpetrated by Indian troops in Jammu and Kashmir.
While answering the queries raised by Ershad Malik in his speech, Angana Chertterji said, “It is the duty of all of us to contact, stimulate and persuade International Institutions and Human rights Organizations to make Mr Shabir Ahmad Shah’s release possible. We should double our efforts in this regard”.
Lord Ahmad while expressing his concerns on the continuous detention of President of Jammu Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party Mr Shabir Ahmad Shah said that India is a shameless country, we can’t believe that so called biggest democracy in the world does not honour the orders of her own courts in Mr Shah’s cases. We should involve student organizations and International lobbies to build pressure on Indian Government to release our Kashmiri Nelson Mandela.
Besides noted philanthropist the seminar was attended by Professor Richard Shepiro of California Institute of Integral Studies, Lord Ahmad Chairman Kashmir Committee in British Parliament, Professor Anshol Director Kashmir Centre London and Ershad Malik London based Kashmiri Solicitor and representatives of Democratic Freedom Party in UK and Europe.
Political and Human right activists, students and representatives of Kashmiri Diaspora from various cities of United Kingdom also participated in this seminar.

  Tari hails release of NF chief
Srinagar, May 27: Expressing satisfaction over the release of National Front Chief, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, the acting president of DFP M Abdullah Tari has said that India’s decision to release the detained Hurriyat leaders shows India’s willingness to associate Hurriyat leadership with the dialogue process as a principle party to the dispute.
Tari hailed the efforts being made to resolve the dispute of Kashmir and hoped that India would take appropriate measures to safeguard the future of millions of people living in South Asia thereby resolving the long simmering dispute of Kashmiris.

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